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  Ortho:para-H2 ratio in C and J shocks (Wilgenbus+, 2000)
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1.J/A+A/356/1010/table2eC-type shock models column densities (nH=105cm-3) (784 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.
  V  Vibrational state of the upper level
  J  Rotational state of the upper level
  Evj/k K Energy of the upper level
  o/p  Ortho-to-para H2 ratio
  Params  List of physical parameters, H2-line fluxes and luminosities in C-type shock model
  nH cm-3 Initial density, nH=n(H)+2n(H2)
  Vs km/s Shock velocity
  ln(N(V,J)/g) 0.43[cm-2]ln (N(V,J)/g) value (Note 1)   

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