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  New CHIME/FRB I catalogue updates released (Hashimoto+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/511/1961/tableCHIME FRBs catalog with new added results data from this work (599 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) TNS name (tns_name) (;meta.main)
  OName (char) Previous name (previous_name) (
  RpName (char) Associated repeater name if any or "-9999" (repeater_name) (
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right ascension (J2000) (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  e_RAJ2000 deg Right ascension error; see Section 3.2 (ra_err) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)
  n_RAJ2000 (char) Notes on right ascension (ra_notes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  e_DEJ2000 deg Declination error; see Section 3.2 (dec_err) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec)
  n_DEJ2000 (char) Notes on declination (dec_notes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  GLON deg Galactic longitude (gl) (pos.galactic.lon)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude (gb) (
  ExpUp h Exposure for upper transit of the source (exp_up) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  e_ExpUp h Exposure error for upper transit of the source (expuperr) (stat.error)
  n_ExpUp (char) Notes on exposure for upper transit of the source (expupnotes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  ExpLo h (n) Exposure for lower transit of the source (exp_low) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  e_ExpLo h (n) Exposure error for lower transit of the source (explowerr) (stat.error)
  n_ExpLo (char) Notes on exposure for lower transit of the source (explownotes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  SNR  Detection SNR (bonsai_snr) (stat.snr;instr.saturation)
  DM pc/cm3 Detection dispersion measure, DM (bonsai_dm) (phys.dispMeasure;instr.dispersion)
  bFt68 Lower limit fluence threshold (68% confidence) (lowft68) (phot.fluence)
  BFt68 Upper limit fluence threshold (68% confidence) (upft68) (phot.fluence)
  bFt95 Lower limit fluence threshold (95% confidence) (lowft95) (phot.fluence)
  BFt95 Upper limit fluence threshold (95% confidence) (upft95) (phot.fluence)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SNRfitb  SNR determined using the fitting algorithm fitburst (snr_fitb) (stat.snr)
  DMfitb pc/cm3 Dispersion measure DM determined using the fitting algorithm fitburst (dm_fitb) (Note 2)   (phys.dispMeasure;instr.dispersion)
  e_DMfitb pc/cm3 Dispersion measure DM error determined using the fitting algorithm fitburst (dmfitberr) (Note 2)   (stat.error)
  DMeNE2001 pc/cm3 Dispersion measure DM excess between DM determined by fitburst + NE2001 (dmexcne2001) (Note 3)   (phys.dispMeasure;instr.dispersion)
  DMeYMW16 pc/cm3 Dispersion measure DM excess between DM determined by fitburst + YMW16 (dmexcymw16) (Note 3)   (phys.dispMeasure;instr.dispersion)
  BcWidth s Boxcar width of the pulse (bc_width) (src.var.pulse)
  Scat s Scattering time at 600MHz (scat_time) (Note 2)   (time;arith.diff)
  e_Scat s (n) Scattering time error (scattimeerr) (Note 2)   (stat.error)
  Flux Jy Peak flux of the band-average profile (lower limit) (flux) (phot.flux.density;
  e_Flux Jy Flux error (flux_err) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  n_Flux (char) Notes on lower bound fluxes (flux_notes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  Fluence Fluence (lower limit) (fluence) (phot.fluence)
  e_Fluence Fluence error (fluence_err) (stat.error;phot.fluence)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  n_Fluence (char) Notes on lower bound fluences (fluence_notes) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  Nsb  Sub-burst number (sub_num) (Note 4)   (meta.number)
  MJD400 d Time of arrival with reference to 400.1953125MHz; Modified Julian Date (mjd_400) (Note 5)   (time.epoch)
  e_MJD400 d Error on MJD400 (mjd400err) (Note 5)   (stat.error)
  MJDinf d Time of arrival with reference to infinite frequency (mjd_inf) (Note 5)   (time.epoch)
  e_MJDinf d Time of arrival error with reference to infinite frequency (mjdinferr) (Note 5)   (stat.error)
  Widthfitb s Width of sub-burst using fitburst (width_fitb) (src.var.pulse)
  e_Widthfitb s (n) Width error of sub-burst using fitburst (widthfitberr) (stat.error)
  SpInd  Spectral index for the sub-burst (sp_idx) (spect.index)
  e_SpInd  Spectral index error for the sub-burst (spidxerr) (stat.error)
  spRun  Spectral running for the sub-burst (sp_run) (phot.flux.density)
  e_spRun  Spectral running error for the sub-burst (sprunerr) (stat.error)
  BFreq MHz Highest frequency band of detection for the sub-burst at FWTM (high_freq) (em.freq;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  bFreq MHz Lowest frequency band of detection for the sub-burst at FWTM (low_freq) (em.freq;stat.min)
  Fpk MHz Peak frequency for the sub-burst (peak_freq) (em.freq)
  chi2  Fit χ^2 from fitburst (chi_sq) (;meta.modelled)
  dof  Number of deg of freedom in fitburst (dof) (
  Frac  Fraction of spectral channels flagged in fitburst (flag_frac) (
  Flag   [0/1] Flag (excluded_flag) (Note 6)   (meta.code.error)
  l_Widthfitb   [0/1] The width_fitb indicate upper limits if 1. Otherwise 0. Different for sub-bursts. (widthfitbupper_flag) (meta.code.error)
  l_logSubwIntRest   [0/1] The logsubwintrest indicate upper limits if 1. Otherwise 0. Different for sub-bursts. (logsubwintrestupperflag) (meta.code.error)
  l_Scat   [0/1] The scat_time indicates the upper limit if 1. Otherwise 0 (scatupperflag) (meta.code.error)
  zSpec  Spectroscopic redshift if available. Otherwise -9999 (spec_z) (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  f_zSpec  The spec_z is available if 1. Otherwise 0 (speczflag) (meta.code)
  Eobs Fluence (Jy ms) * Δv, where Δv is the band width of 400 MHz at observer's frame (E_obs) (phot.flux.density;
  e_Eobs Error of E_obs (Eobserror) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Flagmsub  Flag 1 if the row belongs to multiple sub-bursts. 0 means FRBs without sub-bursts (subb_flag) (meta.code.error)
  Flagsup   [1] The subbpflag = 1 can be used when sub-burst parameters are used. All rows have 1. (subbpflag) (meta.code.error)
  Flagsub  The commonpflag = 1 can be used when common parameters are used. For each tns_name, the first sub-burst indicates 1. Different for sub-bursts. (commonpflag) (meta.code.error)
  Dnuobs MHz Observed spectral band width. Common for sub-bursts. i.e. highfreq–lowfreq for FRBs without multiple sub-bursts and max(highfreq)–min(lowfreq) for FRBs with multiple (instr.bandwidth)
  zDM  Redshift derived from a dispersion measure. 50 percentile of the probability distribution function (PDF) (z_DM) (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  b_zDM   [] The +1σ of z_DM. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - z_DM (zDMerror_p) (stat.error;stat.max)
  B_zDM   [] The -1σ of z_DM. z_DM - 15.865 percentile of the PDF (zDMerror_m) (stat.error;stat.min)
  Eobs400 Observed energy integrated over 400 MHz at emitter's frame. 50 percentile of the PDF (Eobs400) (phot.flux.density;
  b_Eobs400 [] The +1σ of Eobs400. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - Eobs400 (Eobs400errorp) (phot.flux.density;;stat.max)
  B_Eobs400 [] The -1σ of Eobs400. Eobs400 - 15.865 percentile of the PDF (Eobs400errorm) (phot.flux.density;;stat.min)
  logSubwIntRest [ms] Log rest-frame intrinsic duration of a sub-burst in the logarithmic scale. 50 percentile of the PDF. Different for sub-bursts. (logsubwintrest) (instr.scale)
  b_logSubwIntRest [ms] [] The +1σ of logsubwintrest. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - subwintrest. Different for sub-bursts. (logsubwintresterrorp) (instr.scale;stat.max)
  B_logSubwIntRest [ms] [] The -1σ of logsubwintrest. logsubwintrest - 15.865 percentile of the PDF. Different for sub-bursts. (logsubwintresterrorm) (instr.scale;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  z  Spec_z if available, otherwise z_DM (z) (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  E_z  Spec_z error if spec_z is available, otherwise zDMerror_p (zerrorp) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_z  Spec_z error if spec_z is available, otherwise zDMerror_m (zerrorm) (src.redshift;stat.error;stat.min)
  logEemit400 [10-7J] (n) Radio energy in the logarithmic scale integrated over 400 MHz at emitter's frame. 50 percentile of the PDF (logErest400) (
  b_logEemit400 [10-7J] (n) The +1σ of logErest400. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - logErest400 (logErest400errorp) (;stat.max)
  B_logEemit400 [10-7J] (n) []? The -1σ of logErest400. logErest400 -15.865 percentile of the PDF (logErest400errorm) (;stat.min)
  logrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) The number density in the logarithmic scale derived by the Vmax method and redshift bin A. Uncorrected for the selection functions (logrhoA) (phys.density)
  b_logrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The +1σ of logrhoA. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - logrhoA (logrhoAerrorp) (phys.density;stat.max)
  B_logrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The -1σ of logrhoA. logrhoA - 15.865 percentile of the PDF (logrhoAerrorm) (phys.density;stat.min)
  logrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) The number density in the logarithmic scale derived by the Vmax method and redshift bin B. Uncorrected for the selection functions (logrhoB) (phys.density)
  b_logrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The +1σ of logrhoB. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - logrhoB (logrhoBerrorp) (phys.density;stat.max)
  B_logrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The -1σ of logrhoB. logrhoB - 15.865 percentile of the PDF (logrhoBerrorm) (phys.density;stat.min)
  WeightDM  (n) Weight factor of DMobs (weight_DM) (stat.weight)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  b_WeightDM  (n) The +1σ of weight_DM. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weight_DM (weightDMerror_p) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_WeightDM  (n) []? The -1σ of weight_DM. weight_DM -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightDMerror_m) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  Weightscat  (n) Weight factor of scattering time τ_scat (weight_scat) (stat.weight)
  b_Weightscat  (n) The +1σ of weight_scat. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weight_scat (weightscaterror_p) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_Weightscat  (n) []? The -1σ of weight_scat. weight_scat -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightscaterror_m) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  Weightwint  (n) Weight factor of long intrinsic duration wint (weightwint) (stat.weight)
  b_Weightwint  (n) The +1σ of weightwint. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weightwint (weightwinterrorp) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_Weightwint  (n) []? The -1σ of weightwint. weightwint -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightwinterrorm) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  WeightFluence  (n) Weight factor of fluence (weight_fluence) (stat.weight)
  b_WeightFluence  (n) []? The +1σ of weight_fluence. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weight_fluence (weightfluenceerror_p) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_WeightFluence  (n) []? The -1σ of weight_fluence. weight_fluence -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightfluenceerror_m) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  Weight  (n) WeightDM*weightscat* weightwint*weight_fluence (weight) (stat.weight)
  b_Weight  (n) []? The +1σ of weight. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weight (weighterrorp) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_Weight  (n) []? The -1σ of weight. weight -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weighterrorm) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  WeightedlogrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) The number density in the logarithmic scale (redshift bin A) corrected for the selection functions (weighted_logrhoA) (stat.weight)
  b_WeightedlogrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The +1σ of weighted_logrhoA. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weighted_logrhoA (weightedlogrhoAerror_p) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_WeightedlogrhoA [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The -1σ of weighted_logrhoA. weighted_logrhoA -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightedlogrhoAerror_m) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  WeightedlogrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) The number density in the logarithmic scale (redshift bin B) corrected for the selection functions (weighted_logrhoB) (stat.weight)
  b_WeightedlogrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The +1σ of weighted_logrhoB. 84.135 percentile of the PDF - weighted_logrhoB (weightedlogrhoBerror_p) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  B_WeightedlogrhoB [Gpc-3/yr](n) []? The -1σ of weighted_logrhoB. weighted_logrhoB -15.865 percentile of the PDF (weightedlogrhoBerror_m) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)

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