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  Pulsation and rotation in NGC 6811 (Rodriguez+, 2020)
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1.J/MNRAS/491/4345/table1Kepler stars observed in SC mode within a distance d<7.0arcmin from the centre of NGC 6811 (36 rows)
2.J/MNRAS/491/4345/tablea1Data for the sample of stars (36 rows)
3.J/MNRAS/491/4345/tableb1Fourier fit for the 20 main significant peaks, when possible, for the δ Sct- and γ Dor-type stars of Group I (10 rows)
4.J/MNRAS/491/4345/tableb2Fourier fit for the 20 main significant peaks for the δ Sct stars of Group II (7 rows)
5.J/MNRAS/491/4345/tableb3Fourier fit for the 20 main significant peaks for the δ Sct stars of Group III (4 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)ID   [1/36] Internal object identifier (
  (1+2)KIC  KIC object identifier (;meta.main)
  (1)WEB  WEBDA identification number (
  (1)Kpmag mag Kepler magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (1)Dist arcmin Distance from the cluster centre (pos.angDistance)
  (1)f_Dist (char) [B] Flag on Dist (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  (1)Nm  Number of months with Kepler SC observations (meta.number)
  (1)VarType (char) Variability type (Note 2)   (meta.note)
  (1)r_VarType (char) Reference for VarType (Note 3)   (meta.note)
  (1)logTeff [K] Logarithm of the effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (1+2)logL [Lsun] Logarithm of star luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.opt)
  (1+2)Mem (char) [NM ] Cluster membership (M:member, N:non-member) (meta.code.member)
  (1)TypeTW (char) Variability type derived in this work (meta.note;src.var)
  (1)f_TypeTW (char) [a] Flag on TypeTW (Note 4)   (meta.code)
  (1)Ampvar (char) Amplitude variability detected in this work for the main pulsation modes (meta.code)
  (1)Simbad (char) ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  (2)pmRA mas/yr (n) Proper motion in right ascension (Note 1)   (;pos.eq.ra)
  (2)e_pmRA mas/yr (n) Error on pmRA (Note 1)   (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
  (2)pmDE mas/yr (n) Proper motion in declination (Note 1)   (;pos.eq.dec)
  (2)e_pmDE mas/yr (n) Error on pmDE (Note 1)   (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  (2)plx mas (n) Parallax (Note 1)   (pos.parallax.trig)
  (2)e_plx mas (n) Error on plx (Note 1)   (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  (2)Vmag mag V-magnitude from Simbad (phot.mag;em.opt.V)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)e_logL [Lsun] Error on logL (stat.error)
  (3+4+5)Quarter (char) Monthly quarter from the short-cadence time serie (
  (3+4+5)F1 d-1 Frequence of the 1st main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp1 mmag Amplitude corresponding to F1 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N1  Signal to noise corresponding to F1 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F2 d-1 Frequence of the 2nd main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp2 mmag Amplitude corresponding to F2 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N2  Signal to noise corresponding to F2 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F3 d-1 Frequence of the 3rd main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp3 mmag Amplitude corresponding to F3 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N3  Signal to noise corresponding to F3 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F4 d-1 Frequence of the 4th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp4 mmag Amplitude corresponding to F4 (src.var.amplitude)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3+4+5)S/N4  Signal to noise corresponding to F4 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F5 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 5th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp5 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F5 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N5  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F5 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F6 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 6th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp6 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F6 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N6  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F6 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F7 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 7th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp7 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F7 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N7  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F7 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F8 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 8th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp8 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F8 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N8  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F8 (stat.snr)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3+4+5)F9 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 9th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp9 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F9 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N9  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F9 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F10 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 10th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp10 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F10 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N10  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F10 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F11 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 11th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp11 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F11 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N11  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F11 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F12 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 12th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp12 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F12 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N12  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F12 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F13 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 13th main significant peak (em.freq)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3+4+5)Amp13 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F13 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N13  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F13 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F14 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 14th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp14 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F14 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N14  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F14 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F15 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 15th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp15 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F15 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N15  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F15 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F16 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 16th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp16 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F16 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N16  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F16 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F17 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 17th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp17 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F17 (src.var.amplitude)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3+4+5)S/N17  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F17 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F18 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 18th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp18 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F18 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N18  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F18 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F19 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 19th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp19 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F19 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N19  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F19 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)F20 d-1 (n) Frequence of the 20th main significant peak (em.freq)
  (3+4+5)Amp20 mmag (n) Amplitude corresponding to F20 (src.var.amplitude)
  (3+4+5)S/N20  (n) Signal to noise corresponding to F20 (stat.snr)
  (3+4+5)Residual (char) Residuals (in mmag) σn after removing the n first peaks (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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